skådespelarna får det nästa vecka: ECLIPSE MANUS

Peter Facinelli is on a family road trip driving up the West Coast in an RV with Jennie Garth and their three daughters heading to the vampire baseball game in Portland, Oregon on Saturday, July 4. As Carlisle Cullen, Peter has become a Twilight fan favorite spoke with him Friday while he took a break from driving and Jennie cooked up bacon and eggs for the family breakfast in the RV. How is the trip going?
Peter Facinelli: It's really pretty; I'm sitting outside the motor home park right now it's really beautiful. There's no coast but it's beautiful. It looks a lot like Twilight. There are lots of big tall pine trees.
RO: Are you a safe driver?
PF: Well I had a rough patch last month, I got four tickets in three weeks all for different things, I was some kind of police magnet, I don't know why. I'm going to fight all of them; you never want to admit you're wrong. I should go there in person and fight all of them.
RO: Tell us about the baseball game tomorrow?
PF: We're going to test our vampire baseball skills in front of a large crowd and I think a lot of people are going to find out that a lot of the cast member s don't know how to throw a ball and they just made us look good. The Make-A-Wish Foundation asked if I would play and I thought it was for a really good cause. I like doing charity events because I think it's important to give back. I played baseball when I was younger but I haven't played in a long time, so it should be fun. I hope Rachelle's on my team. She's the one with the wicked curve ball, right? I don't know, I'm showing up with my old oiled glove and waiting to see where the coach puts me. I don't even know who the coach is. I might be the coach for all I know. I think Carlisle should definitely be the coach. The difference is tomorrow there are no special effects, whatever speed we run and however we hit the ball is the real deal. We're going to have no stunt doubles tomorrow.
RO: Did you have a stunt double while filming Twilight?
PF: I didn't because I didn't have to do that much, all I had to do was slide into second base which they actually gave me a stunt double for but I told them I think I can handle this. So I practiced. It was supposed to be a super slide so I jumped off a little mini tramp and so it was fun. I like doing stunts, stunts are fun for me. I try to do as many of them as I can. During the slide I bruised up my leg pretty bad.
RO: Good thing you play a doctor, were you able to self medicate?
PF: Yes, a little ice and I was fine. I took two aspirin and I called myself in the morning.
RO: When I would take trips with my family our Dad would threaten to pull over and spank us every time, do you ever have to do that?
PF: Only three times a day. Don't make me pull this 34 foot RV over, don't make me do it!
RO: What do your girls think about Daddy getting recognized on the street?
PF: I think they're getting used to it. It's a little time consuming but I just try to give back to the fans. When I was growing up and I went over to the guy to get an autograph and he said no because they were too busy you would go home with that, so I try to really go out of my way to make sure that I'm good to the fans because they've been so good to us.
RO: Are you looking forward to getting back to Vancouver?
PF: Yeah, it's so quick. It's like a blink of an eye and we're shooting the third one already. I had a little time this summer to hang with my family, then we're going to New York to see my folks, and then I think we're going to Hawaii for a week. I'm trying to spend as much time as I can with my family because in August I'm busy with the clips and then I'm going to do the second season of Nurse Jackie.
RO: Have you read the script for the third movie?
PF: No, I haven't. I'm supposed to be getting it next week.
RO: Is there anything you would change for your character?
PF: I wish that he didn't disappear so much. I would have had him go to Italy and do more. He knows the all the Volturi and he could have helped smooth things over. Maybe had a cappuccino with them and said "Hey, you know, this isn't cool." And I don't want to give it away for people who haven't read the fourth book, but like any typical doctor when the baby is due, he's not there. He's off on the ninth hole somewhere playing golf; I was like, what's going on?
RO: Have you given Rob and Kristen any advice about dealing with the fame?
PF: I don't think there's any advice to be given. It's a learning curve. Even for me, I've been working for 15 years and I've never had the kind of fan base this movie has. People always come up to me and said they like me in my old movies but with a movie like this when I walk somewhere people's faces actually drop when they see me or fans will scream when they see us. That takes some getting used to; I wish someone would give me some advice. If people are watching, what are you going to do with that? You turn it around and try to do positive things like work with the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I feel very lucky to be able to do that.
RO: What is filming like, do you have a good time?
PF: We like to be around each other. We hang out a lot together after work. For me it's very much like a family, I like being with them and I like when we're all together. Especially when we're all in scenes together, that's always fun. It's a good cast; it's a good bunch of people. We all like each other so that's important. Rachelle is the tour guide when we're up there, she's Canadian and she tells us all the good places to go.
RO: What did you think about doing a vampire movie?
PF: When I got a phone call from my agent asking if I wanted to do a vampire movie I didn't want to do it, so I read the book in a day and I fell in love with it. I thought it was a great story. It's like a throwback to the old Bella Lugosi movies where it had the mystery and seductiveness of the old stories. That is why I enjoyed vampire movies. Somewhere along the line they became horror zombie movies and so that's what I thought when I first heard of it, but when I read it and realized that it wasn't about that I said sign me up!
När stephenie Meyer tryckte ut kopior av manuset till böckerna till sina nära och kära(Vänner) så ville hon dela ut det med snygga omslag/fodral. Hon skapade några och skrev lite kommentarer om dem på hennes sida.
Here's an early draft to start with, from back when the title was still Forks- "The Forks Saga" ;D ) and I was experimenting with pen names.

Later, I came up with these two because the whole "eyes over the forest" thing was a little done. I only used these once or twice, though, because I liked the done eyes better.

Here's an early cover for New Moon, book two in the Twilight series:

And here's a couple newer covers that I made to correspond with the apple cover.

This is the original cover I put on Eclipse when I was giving it out to family and friends in three-ring binders. I didn't post it earlier because I was afraid the idea of Edward being visually (if metaphorically) "eclipsed" would not go over well. (After reading early Amazon comments, I'm pretty sure I was not being paranoid in that assumption.) Of course, having read the book, you know this cover was a red herring twist on the reality.

Here's a later version of the same theme, with my preferred Jacob actor:

Here's something from the vault: originally, I wrote this 700 page epic sequel to Twilight that didn't work for many reasons. It was called Forever Dawn, and this was the cover I used:

Here's the cover I made for my sci-fi, The Host, long before it was published:

Vilken tur att dessa omslag inte kom på att hända...
Breaking dawn i film- DIREKT efter eclipse

Jag kollade runt och hittade denna intervjun med Ashley Greene då hon pratar om Breaking dawn. Breaking dawn kommer tydligen börja spelas in direkt efter Eclipse. Jag hoppas hon har rätt för jag blir verkligen glad. Alla filmer spelas in kort efter varandra och det är vi stolta över right?
ps; jag har börjat blogga igen för jag har haft en kort semester, men nu så kommer den real bloggarn:) Mikki
Ingen diskussion!
Ni har kanske läst på andra bloggar eller i skvallerblaskorna att Rob Pattinsons magrutor kan vara målade till filmen.
MSN Kändisnytt meddelar att Kellan Lutz (aka Emmett) har kommenterat detta rykte. Han säger att de är fullkomligt äkta vara! Han påpekar också att Rob har tränat mycket ihop med Taylor Lautner (aka Jacob) för att bli biffiga.
"Rob har jobbat stenhårt." säger Kellan.
Och det är vi Rob-galna glada att höra! ;)
// Miaz
Vanja tipsar <3"
Tack Vanja för tipset :)!
// Miaz
New Moon trailer!!
Vad säger ni om den? :)
// Miaz
Onsdag 3/06 - 13:30
Torsdag 4/6 - 13:30
Torsdag 4/6 - 19:05
Fredag 5/6 - 14:30
Fredag 5/6 - 23:30
Lördag 6/6 - 09:00
Lördag 6/6 - 16:25
Söndag 7/6 - 09:00
Söndag 7/6 - 16:25
NI måste ju se det ;)! Twilight är med på nomineringarna och om jag inte minns fel så ska Rob och Kristen själva dela ut ett pris.
Och en överraskning: De ska presentera den första trailen till "New Moon" :D :D !!
Själv ska jag se söndag den 7e tror jag haha ;)

// Miaz
Vad vill ni veta mer om helt enkelt.. låt oss veta så kan vi göra ännu bättre inlägg till er läsare :D
Bjuder på en fin stillbild från filmen:

Tänker bara på citatet här:
Bella, you are my life now...
Förresten tänker jag senare lägga upp en dikt jag skrev. Det var till en tävling på TheTwilightSaga, man skulle låtsas att man var Edward och skrev till Bella. Vinnaren får en handmålad keps med Edward på som en av tjejerna på sidan har målat! Håll tummarna för mig, eller gör en egen dikt :D
// Miaz
GAAAH! Jag dog och kom till himlen!
Här ser ni bilder från inspelningen i Italien! :D Jag kan inte säga mer än W O W!
Bilderna fann jag på Just Jared, genom att ha läst lite andra coola Twilight-bloggar kan jag ju tillägga :)
BTW, de där svarta prickarna är nog till för specialeffekterna ni vet - glittrar ;)
// Miaz
Åka till Italien? Nån? Jag vill..

Kan detta nedan vara Alices galna körning genom Italien? Kanske en övning? Kanske en fuskad bild? Kanske inte har nåt med New Moon att göra alls. Fast hur ofta brukar ni stå ute med era kompisar i reflex/limegröna västar i något som ser ut att vara varmt väder. För varmt väder för att det ens ska vara rättvist:(

Länk till alla bilder
// [M]
Ifall-man-har-lite-extra-pengar-över saker
Är det bara jag som börjar räkna pengarna i fickan för att se ifall jag har råd. Kanske, kanske inte. Men hallå eller? Är inte detta den finaste presenten man kan få?:) (Förutom Robert Pattinson)
En dagbok, med twilight-omslag, hörrni. Och en liten metallbox till det. Jag har aldrig beställt saker från USA, men kan tänka mig att tullen är rätt hög. Även om priset på själva sakerna inte är så dyrt. Därför kom jag på en briljant idé när jag satt och räknade matte. Varför inte ta och gå ihop några stycken. Beställa vad man vill och sedan dela på tullkostnaderna, som förövrigt kan gå upp till 1000 kr, om inte mer. Är man 10 st, så blir det kanske drygt 100spänn var. Men det kanske man kan leva med?:-S Om man får något såhär sött liksom!!
Dessutom vill jag bara påpeka att detta INTE är tillgängligt förrän 13 oktober, i USA dvs. Och det kommer då att finnas ett bestämt antal kopior. Tror jag iaf att jag läste på amazon:) Gud, så förbannat avundsjuk man blir av att man i Sverige inte har samma tillgång till ett sådant stort utbud av twiightsaker som USA har!
Några av er som kommer att kika här i bloggen vet redan vem jag är, men jag ska vara lite mer anonym eftrersom att den här bloggen handlar om Twilight och inte om oss som skriver i den.
Om ni undrar något om mig eller Mikki så skriv i en kommentar så att vi kan svara till er - antingen på er blogg eller lämna mejl ^^
Jag tror det här kommer bli jättekul, så följ vår blogg och få veta mer om den fantastika boken/filmen :)
Kram // Miaz
Bjuder på en stillbild från filmen:

Aaah, man blir kär bara av att se bilden (A)

angående gästbloggare behöver jag få svar..
Men om någon annan också vill vara en gästblogg på min blogg(ni får gärna kolla på reglerna.. eller det man ska ha)
Peter Berg during his recent trip to Los Angeles, X17 reports.
Peter Berg is currently working on a remake of the cult classic sci-fi movie and novel Dune.
Could Robert Pattinson be playing an Alien soon?
I noticed Berg is also signed on to direct Hercules: The Thracian Wars,
based on the mythical Greek hero famous for his strength....:)
These are some beautiful shots of Taylor yesterday afternoon running through the rain in Vancouver. He'd popped out during lunch with Selena Gomez and her co-star Hutch Dano to pick up something at the corner store. Enjoy.

Casey Ray found two scripts, one for the vampire sequel "New Moon" and one for a different movie titled "Memoirs." She decided to return them to the studio making the films. In return, she was invited to attend the movies' premieres, her lawyer said.
Watkins helped her return them to Los Angeles-based Summit Entertainment LLC, the studio making the movies. He said the studio invited Ray to premieres for the two films, and will certify the scripts as authentic after the movies are released.
A local news source, WLTX, reports that the scripts were left at the hotel by New Moon star Anna Kendrick-
The scripts had been left and ended up in a dumpster outside the Chase Park Plaza Hotel in St. Louis by actress Anna Kendrick, who had been in St. Louis to shoot the George Clooney film, Up in the Air, according to Ray's attorney, Albert S. Watkins.
Hej jag söker en gästbloggerska! kan någon tänka sig vara en gärstbloggerka för mig för jag har verkligen mycket bakom bloggen att göra. Min gästbloggerska kommer vara som alla andra gästbloggerskor, alltså måste du som ska vara gästablogg:
- kunna mycket om twilight världen, alltså mycket om vad SOM PÅGÅR NU!.
- Ha många sidor du kollar på(och itne ta fakta ifrån andra).
- Kunna blogga på hel/halv tid
-Kunna mycket om blogg(hur det funkar)
- Alltså ska du vara ett twilight fan.
-Du måste vara en pålitlig person.
-Men du bestämmer själv om du vill vara anonym eller inte, men själv är jag!
Som sagt ska du kunna mycket om twilight och ha många sidor på internet som du kan kolla på medans jag ibland inte är vid internet. Numera kommer vi att blogga tillsammans, men när du känner för att blogga så kan du blogga, men du måste blogga några inlägg under dagen. Ni är välkommna att skriva kommentarer.
Mer om gästbloggerskan tar jag senare med den personen jag valt, eftersom att jag kanske får upp nya saker jag just vill säga till gästbloggerskan.
Vill du vara en gästblogg för mig? Skriv till mig på mina kommentarer.
Btw grym bild..så vad tkr ni?

kristen och ett collage!
I look forward to all of it. We're just starting prep on "New Moon," and it's almost like a more elaborate version of the first one. It's getting bigger and bigger, which is great. I mean, it's what we all hoped for.
Läs hela artikeln på MTV.
Se även en video där hon pratar om det preliminära releasedatumet för Eclipse.
Se den genom att klicka här eller på bilden nedan:
Bellaandedward har fått tag på några bilder från den nya kalendern som man kan få köpa å snart i sverige.
Den innehåller lite bilder som man aldrig nästan sett förut.
Några bilder här nedan;
Se mer bilder här.
Man kan förhandsboka kalendern på svenska Discshop för endast 79 kr! Billigt va!
Dagens fråga!
1Alice? Varför?
2 Rosalie?Varför?
Jag skulle faktiskt velat vara vänn med båda, men om jag skulle dömt ifrån början så skulle det blivit som sagt ALICE!