Ni har väl märkt något? Idag är roberts namnsdag och de här är dagens bästa bild! GRATTIS!

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Cannes - Filmfestival
Så här har ni en bild på snyggingen själv, och efter får ni ett litet youtube-klipp från när han anlände i Cannes :D

Allt detta från och youtube.
Nog hade det varit kul att vara en av de skrikande tjejerna på bryggan! Men nästan lite synd om honom haha, han blir ju alltid igenkänd - måste vara jobbigt ibland.
Btw, tror ni verkligen att han aldrig tvättar håret? Som myten säger.. och jag antar att de menar att han inte använder schampoo eller balsam.
Jag vet inte, jag tror han gör det ändå ;P
// Miaz

Rockiga ROB!

"Twilight star Robert Pattinson is featured in the new issue of Dossier magazine (their third issue ever) this month in a photoshoot shot by Theo Wenner that shows Rob's sexier side. For those of you who may not be aware, Dossier is a biannual magazine that is published around Spring and Fall Fashion Weeks and highlights a fusion of fashion, photography, art and literature in various artistic disciplines. Here are a few photos of R.Pattz from this latest issue of Dossier magazine."
Alltså har robert flygit tillbaka ifrån L.A till Vancouver!
Early call time tomorrow - wrapping up volturi scene before moving on to a very cool dream sequence later in the week.
Robert Pattinson walks and talks with gal pal Shannon Woodward as they leave their Beverly Hills hotel
on Sunday afternoon (May 10,).
The 22-year-old British actor is in town to test screen for his upcoming flick, Remember Me.
The movie will also possibly star Emmy Rossum.
Jag har också hört att Shannon woodward är flickvän till en av roberts kompisar andrew garfield.
Filmen kmr bli great med Rob i filmen =) right?
Källa justjaredjr


Stackars rob! Han kanske inte vill ha någon på grund av at han inte kan hitta den rätta nu eftersom kanske alla är fan:S
Det är en utdrag ur kändisnyheter på och det stod såhär
I nya numret av GQ berättar Robert Pattinson om sin relation till alla sina påstådda flickvänner, och vad som egentligen är sant eller inte.
- Det är en tjej som alltid nämns som min tjej. Det är typ "Han dejtar en brasiliansk modell". Vad heter hon - Annelyse? Jag har aldrig träffat henne", säger han.
Rob har även kopplats ihop med Joe Jonas flickvän Camilla Belle sedan de fotograferats tillsammans i vintras. Men någon romans handlar det inte om, utan ren och skär vänskap, hävdar skådishunken.
- Jag är vän med Camilla. Jag menar, Camilla är den trevligaste, hon är en ängel.
Robert anser sig istället som en väldigt lycklig singel, och vill så förbli.
- Jag träffar inte folk. Jag har inte ens folks telefonnummer. Jag vill nästan inte ha en flickvän i den här miljön.
Robert och Kristen tillbaka -L.A
Enligt robert så stod det i E! så här;
Los Angeles (E! Online) - Robert Pattinson is back in the U.S.!
I just got word that our favorite British import was in Los Angeles last night, fresh from a quick trip to Tokyo to promote Twilight with his costars Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner.
So what was Pattinson up to?
He was spotted at about 11:30 p.m. finishing dinner with three others at an outside table at La Poubelle, a French bistro in Hollywood.
And we're happy to report that it looks like he picked up the tab, because he was seen signing the credit card receipt, according to a fellow diner.
Now the big question is, will Pattinson pop up at this month's Twilight at Midnight parties? It was announced today that retailers across the country will be open March 20 from 10 p.m. to midnight to launch the release of the hit movie's DVD.
Rumor has it that stars from the flick will actually make surprise appearances at some of the vampire-themed soirees.


Bjuder på en bild!

Nya bilder!

Poor Rob
Stackars Rob. E! Online har en artikel som ger saker som han är klar med sedan han kommit tillbaka till L.A. I en intressant upplysning så påstår de att kristen inte kommer att vara en presentatör för oscar galan. Läs mer here.
En ny promo bild!
Nu så har RPOnline hittat en ny promo bild på Rob som Edward Cullen. Bilden är jätte fin och den är oerhört stor.
Klicka på bilden för att se den i HQ.
Jag fick nyss ett meddelande om att robert pattinson är nominerad på "Bravo's A-list Awards" för rollen som Edward i Twilight.
Rösta här
Ni som röstar.. skriv gärna en kommentar. vill veta hur många det är förstår ni;)
Robert är tillbaka i USA!
Här nedan så kan ni se fem nya bilder på när robert shoppar loss med en kompis i L.A ...

Se alla fem bilder här
3 nya stills!
som jag faktiskt inte sett från och med nu.
Intervju med robert
Would you like to be a vampire?
To be immortal? That's not for me. The charm of life is that it doesn't last (or that it's unlasting).
Your Twilight-partner, Kristen Stewart and you are an enchanting screen-couple. Was there an off screen love too?
No, as far as I know she has a boyfriend. But I like Kristen very much. She is an amazing actress, breathtakingly beautiful and further more she has unbelievable charisma. We were in perfect harmony in front of the camera, the chemistry just worked.
In Twilight we learn a lot about love. What is your personal message?
I think that love develops because two people long for the same thing. For example closeness or endless intimacy. The love between Edward and Bella goes beyond all inner and outer circumstances. That's very romantic, isn't it?
Have you ever experienced such intensive love?
Not really. Maybe because I resisted so far.
But you did have girlfriends before?
Yes, the first one when I was 12. It lasted three weeks. But there was also a relationship, that lasted 3 years. I have loved before but never to the extent that I would say: «Oh baby I would die for you.» Perhaps that will come one day.
You are single at the moment, how come?
I have no idea! I just am.The last two years I was constantly on the road, I stayed nowhere longer then a few weeks. Just as I would arrive some place, I would have to leave. Even in my hometown of London I could spend only five days this year. That is really not enough to build a relationship.
How do you cope with loneliness?
Sometimes I prefer being alone. I don't like hanging around with other people all the time. Of course I go out with friends, but I enjoy the peace and quite, for example to write. In the last two years I have hardly had the time for it.
What do you write?
Screenplays mostly. Before I started acting, I actually wanted to be a writer.
Zac Efron from High School Musical is also considered a teen-star at the moment. But he seems to welcome the hype around him, as oppose to yourself.
Zac is completely different than me. I met him twice and he seems really nice. I have been told many times that I am the new Zac Efron. I told them then: "What?! I am not!" I don't like that comparison. I also feel a little bit sorry for Zac, because he has to live this perfect life, he can't allow himself to slip. Everyone is watching and judging him. I, on the other hand, can do whatever I want, no one is interested. Which is great because then there's a lot less pressure on me.
How do you handle your unbelievable success?
I live exactly as I used to before, have the same friends and preferences. I haven't changed at all.
But you earn more money!
Unfortunately not that much more. To tell you the truth: I would like some more! (laughs)