Bjuder på en bild!

Rob och kristen kommer kanske inte att synas på "red carpet"
Something about the special stars sneaking into the Kodak Theatre through a basement entrance....
The reason may be to steal ratings from those way-too-exciting Oscar arrivals pre-shows. And to force viewers to actually watch the darn three-hour show to see their favorite stars, of course.
So don't be too surprised if you don't see, say, "Twilight" stars and presenters Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart walking the red carpet.
Jag som ville se dom på red carpets på tv

Rachelle Lefevre avslöjar saker i en intervju. Rachel spelade Victoria i twilight och hon berättade om de senaste ryktena som hon själv angående new moon till Acces Hollywood. Hon berättar nya detaljer som inte förekommit. Det hon sa var att Den store disney stjärnan Vanessa Hudgens kanske kommer att få rollen som Leah i new moon.
Hon sa såhär; " maybe back in again"!
Hon fortsätter att berätta att hon inte alls vet om alla rykten som pågår runt omkring i världen men att hon hörde om vanessa och det lät så här " in...then out....and now maybe back in again"

"need" uppsöks till new moon
Vad tycker ni? passar den? se hennes myspace här
Need- Hana Pestle
i'm not quite sure how to breathe
without you here
i'm not quite sure if I'm ready to say goodbye
to all we were
be with me
stay with me
just for now
let the time decide when i won't need you
my hand searches for your hand
in a dark room
i can't find you
help me
are you looking for me
can i feel any more
lie to me, i'm fading
i can't drop you
tell me i don't need you
my hand searches for your hand
in a dark room
i can't find you
help me
are you looking for me
etch this into my brain for me
tell me how its supposed to be
where everything will go
and how i'll be without you by my side
my hand searches for your hand
in a dark room
i can't find you
help me
are you looking for me
Intervju med rob och kristen

TwilightPoison.com har nu postat en översättning av en exklusiv intervju med kristen och Rob i seventeen Magazine Mexico. Den är jättebra och dom svarar oerhört intressant! så läs..
A lot of girls all over the world have fallen in love with Twilight.
Yes, it's a story that can grab you easily because it has a magnetism that makes you become obssessed with it. It makes you want to read the whole thing and you're not happy until you're done with the last page.
When you were reading the books, was there a scene that you looked forward to filming?
Yes, I imagined the whole scene when Bella learns the truth about Edward. The whole plot is about struggling. Struggling to find out more about him, struggling to make him know that Bella knows what he is and she doesn't mind. When he finally reveals himself it's a really cool thing because he's afraid to show himself as what he really is. And I loved how they comunicated without words. I think it's the best scene.
What kind of person is Bella?
I like her weakness. That's my favorite thing about her because she presents herself as the victim, the damsel in distress and that's what the whole relationship is about. The dynamic is fun, he's a vampire and he could drain all her blood, but she's not affraid of him.
Can you relate with her?
She's a typical girl. I relate to her because of her personal strength. She has her convictions very defined, so when she believes in something she defends it.
Where you affraid of filming this movie?
No (laughs), there were tons of people watching. I experiences a lot of strong emotions with the story so I had a very weird energy the whole day. I was drained by the end of the day.
You're acting the whole time as though you were affraid, is that a hard thing to do?
Yes, it's a lot of work. It was funny because we filmed the final scene of the movie first. The climax of the whole movie! It's everything that happens in the ballet studio in the end where she realizes that she's in danger and her whole world crumbles down.
This movie could be really important for your career, did anyone give you special advice?
I know. When you start to work on a new movie you start to imagine that it'll do great and you'll have more recognition from the public, people start recognizing you more, they remember your face, your name. I thought that I was going to be okay and I tried not think too much about it. Nobody prepared me for it.
Who would you have chosen? The good guy or the bad guy?
(laughs) Well, if I had to choose between the characters of the movie, I would choose Edward because I know he wouldn't hurt me.
Why do you think vampires are so sexy?
I think they're classic. They're made to draw you in so you'll fall on their claws, and when they get you, they'll bite you. You let yourself be wrapped by their charms, they're like the forbidden fruit.
What would you do if you found a vampire?
I would try to be careful of what I think, because they can read minds.
Could you fall in love with one?
That would be weird. They create a magical chemical reaction. There's a curiosity for them that doesn't exist, it's not real.
So you don't believe in love at first sight?
That's not what I said! (laughs).
You're a teenager but you're very mature for your age.
I've always had a sense of responsability with myself and I think that's a part of feeling like an adult.
Robert Pattinson
Where you intrigued by vampires?
Not really. I think it's weird the obssession some people have with them. I only read Dracula when I was filming the movie.
How do you feel about having so many girls following you around?
It's scary because it's something that it hadn't happened to me before. Twilight fans are very loyal to the book and to Stephenie Meyer. I had a 100% negative reaction from fans when I got the role of Edward.
For everything. Edward is some sort of perfect creature, the ideal guy. And fans wanted a guy like Leonardo DiCaprio, but Edward is suppossed to be 17. When I met Stephenie Meyer, she aproved me for the character and literally the next day all the fans changed their minds and accepted me.
It must be hard trying to be so perfect.
It is. First I read the book and I thought there was no way that I could play and create all those perfect descriptions of Edward. Nobody in the world could have rbought to life someone so awesome. Then I read the script and auditioned with Kristen, and she acted in a very unexpected way. She gave strength to Bella so that made Edward's character a little bit more weak, and I took it from there. He, being some kind of demon, is completely taken with her. She dominates him.
How do you feel about being in such a blockbuster hit like Harry Potter and now in Twilight?
To be honest, I never thought of this when I got the role. Harry Potter was my first chance of reaching an audience and now this movie has become very successful too. It was very unexpected.
Have you been harder on yourself, since you're playing such a perfect character?
Not really. I didn' try to be perfect, I based him off on celebrities like James Dean, people with an endless charm. In this movie he's very chivalrous, but I tried to make him sexier in the movie. I used the fact that I'm a vampire, I want people to think I'm mysterious and dangerous at the same time.
Do you think you've become a paparazzi target?
Yes, literally. It's so weird.
So they recognize you more now?
Yes, I don't know if it's because I have this annoying hair. Actually I need to cut my hair, everybody knows who I am based on my hair, but they don't even know my name.
Do you have your hair that long for a reason?
We're shooting New Moon soon. I'd love to get a buzz cut but I'm not sure. Plus, if I audition for something there will be people wanting to see some longer hair.
How did you get into acting?
I've never went to acting school. One day my dad was at a restaurant and he saw a bunch of pretty girls, so he asked them where were they goin to and they said Teater club, so my dad told me I had to go there. It was so embarrassing.
How did you get to Hollywood?
I looked for a manager after Harry Potter. Last year I was in a movie in which I played Salvador Dalí and I took it very seriously. When I came back to London I wanted to do something else, I auditioned and three days later I was hired for Twilight.
What were your dreams before you got into acting?
I wanted to be a pianist and play in London pubs.
There's a song by you in the soundtrack, are you planning on releasing an album?
I'm not releasing an album, that would be too much!
Is there an actor that you look up to?
I've always been obssesed with Jack Nicholson. But I prefer 70's movies and I like James Dean's style, he's amazing.
Annalynne McCord kommer inte att spela som heidi!
"AnnaLynne McCord, who was slated to play the receptionist to the Volturi vampires in Rome, Heidi, tells OK! she's no longer going to be in that role.¨
"I am so disappointed but it doesn't look like it is going to happen with my schedule," she revealed to OK! at the L.A. premiere of Fired Up on Feb. 19."
Nya bilder!


Om ni dröjer er kvar på sidan så kommer ni höra soundtracks till twilight som fanns med på sidan. Om ni inte vill höra så scrolla ner för att trycka på pause flicken! så? vad tycker ni om det.. passar det till min sida?
Den 30 juni 2010 så kommer den att vara ute..
Nu så längtar jag ännu mer fast en lättnad över att den kommer så snabbt. tycker inte ni det också`? Men jag är rädd att jag befinner mig utomlands, men jag kommer då få chansen att se den i det dära landet, wish! pujh

Poor Rob
Stackars Rob. E! Online har en artikel som ger saker som han är klar med sedan han kommit tillbaka till L.A. I en intressant upplysning så påstår de att kristen inte kommer att vara en presentatör för oscar galan. Läs mer here.
7 hemligheter...läs!
Nu när jag kollade på olika sidor så råkade jag trycka mig in på MAGAZINE där dom hade gjort upp en lista över 7 hemligheter, vilket jag aldrig lagt ut på bloggen. Ni kanske känner igen dom säkert, men det är så kul att läsa om t.ex "bella's boy on set" right?
#1: No Narnia in New Moon
Despite speculation that British actor Ben Barnes, last seen as Prince Caspian in the Narnia movies, would play Aro, the sinister leader of the vampire world, his L.A.-based agent, Nick Reed, sets the record straight: "Although Ben has enjoyed much of the speculation, we haven't had any calls. There's no truth to it."
#2: Bella's Boy On Set
Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella Swan, will crush the rumors of romance with Robert Pattinson by keeping four-year-love Michael Angarano close. "Her boyfriend will come to visit her on set, insider tells OK!.
#3: The Best is Still Unwritten
With filming just weeks away, the cast (with many roles still undecided) haven't seen their lines! "I am waiting to get my hands on the script. I am looking forward to getting to work!" Justin Chon, who played Bella's onetime suitor in Twilight, Eric Yorkie, tells OK!.
#4: 90210 Stars Sign Up
AnnaLynne McCord will sink her teeth into the role of Heidi. Gal pal to Emmett Cullen, aka Kellan Lutz, she says, "I'm so obsessed with vampires!" 90210 actor Brandon Michael Vayda will play Jared the werewolf.
#5: Paramore is Back on Track
Rockers Paramore helped launch the Twilight soundtrack to No. 1 with their single "Decode." Now, sources tell OK! that the group is penning New Moon's title track. Meanwhile, RPattz, who contributed two songs to the first soundtrack, may sit this one out. "I really didn't want it to look like I was trying to cash in," says the modest immortal.
#6: Taylor: From Wuss to Wolf
How did Taylor Lautner pack on 25 pounds of muscle to play Quileute tribe member and werewolf Jacob Black? "A diet high in carbs and protein," Mark Beier, personal training manager for Crunch in Chicago, tells OK!.
#7: Dakota Goes Gothic
The author describes the evil vampire Jane - who inflicts pain on blood-suckers by thought alone - as having a face that would make a Botticelli angel look like a gargoyle." And Dakota Fanning is a shoo-in for the part! The Push star tells OK!, "It would be a fantastic experience."
MTV's "exclusive" blogg
Enligt MTV bloggen så har dom vissat upp NEW MOON loggan och den ser ut såhär. Vad tycker ni?
(själv tycker jag att den är jätte fin, bra att twilight finns med) fast den har visats förr på Entertainment tonight.
En ny promo bild!
Nu så har RPOnline hittat en ny promo bild på Rob som Edward Cullen. Bilden är jätte fin och den är oerhört stor.
Klicka på bilden för att se den i HQ.
Jag fick nyss ett meddelande om att robert pattinson är nominerad på "Bravo's A-list Awards" för rollen som Edward i Twilight.
Rösta här
Ni som röstar.. skriv gärna en kommentar. vill veta hur många det är förstår ni;)
japanska traillern för twilight
I japan så har twilight inte ens kommit ut i bio än. Den kommer ut den 4 april. Men nu så finns det en japans trailler som skiljer sig ganska mycket enligt mig från det vi är vana vid.
Robert, kristen och taylor kommer ju så snart att vara i japan för att promota twilight! Så vad tycker ni om videon?
Utkast: Eftersom att ...
Klicka här för att se DVD-omslaget. Vi vet ju inte ännu hur det svenska kommer att se ut. Förmodligen likadant som det amerikanska fast med svenska översättningar.
Klicka på dessa två länkar för att komma till de sidor där du kan förhandsboka twilight DVD:n;
http:// CDON
http:// Disc Shop
Angående boken 'Så länge vi båda andas'. Så kan ni också förhandsboka den efter att den kommer ut den 12 mars här i sverige. Det är den fjärde(4:e) boken i serien twilight!
http:// Adlibris
http:// Bokus

Här kan ni se tiderna nedan för oscar galan!
Oscar galan går på tv vid de här tiderna...läs nedan ;
Det är Kanal 9 som kommer att direktsända hela galan.
23.55 - Röda mattan
Direkt från Hollywood. Vi följer filmstjärnorna och Hollywoodkändisarnas ankomst till Oscarsgalan och deras entré längs den röda mattan
02.05 - Nedräkning till Oscarsgalan
Direktsänt införprogram från Hollywood. Med bara en halvtimma kvar till årets största galafest räknar vi ner till Oscarsgalan 2009.
02.40 - Oscarsgalan
Direktsänd gala från Hollywood. Det har blivit dags att dela ut det finaste priset man kan få i filmens värld, Oscarstatyetten. Skådespelareliten och filmstjärnorna samlas inför världens ögon för att få veta vem som stod för 2008 års starkaste prestationer på vita duken.
Tiderna kommer från kanalnio.se
Robert är tillbaka i USA!
Här nedan så kan ni se fem nya bilder på när robert shoppar loss med en kompis i L.A ...

Se alla fem bilder här
new moon....
De här är en video ur new moon, där det står några utdrag ur boken då edward lämnar bella..(varning för spoilers!)
3 nya stills!
som jag faktiskt inte sett från och med nu.
Intervju med robert
Would you like to be a vampire?
To be immortal? That's not for me. The charm of life is that it doesn't last (or that it's unlasting).
Your Twilight-partner, Kristen Stewart and you are an enchanting screen-couple. Was there an off screen love too?
No, as far as I know she has a boyfriend. But I like Kristen very much. She is an amazing actress, breathtakingly beautiful and further more she has unbelievable charisma. We were in perfect harmony in front of the camera, the chemistry just worked.
In Twilight we learn a lot about love. What is your personal message?
I think that love develops because two people long for the same thing. For example closeness or endless intimacy. The love between Edward and Bella goes beyond all inner and outer circumstances. That's very romantic, isn't it?
Have you ever experienced such intensive love?
Not really. Maybe because I resisted so far.
But you did have girlfriends before?
Yes, the first one when I was 12. It lasted three weeks. But there was also a relationship, that lasted 3 years. I have loved before but never to the extent that I would say: «Oh baby I would die for you.» Perhaps that will come one day.
You are single at the moment, how come?
I have no idea! I just am.The last two years I was constantly on the road, I stayed nowhere longer then a few weeks. Just as I would arrive some place, I would have to leave. Even in my hometown of London I could spend only five days this year. That is really not enough to build a relationship.
How do you cope with loneliness?
Sometimes I prefer being alone. I don't like hanging around with other people all the time. Of course I go out with friends, but I enjoy the peace and quite, for example to write. In the last two years I have hardly had the time for it.
What do you write?
Screenplays mostly. Before I started acting, I actually wanted to be a writer.
Zac Efron from High School Musical is also considered a teen-star at the moment. But he seems to welcome the hype around him, as oppose to yourself.
Zac is completely different than me. I met him twice and he seems really nice. I have been told many times that I am the new Zac Efron. I told them then: "What?! I am not!" I don't like that comparison. I also feel a little bit sorry for Zac, because he has to live this perfect life, he can't allow himself to slip. Everyone is watching and judging him. I, on the other hand, can do whatever I want, no one is interested. Which is great because then there's a lot less pressure on me.
How do you handle your unbelievable success?
I live exactly as I used to before, have the same friends and preferences. I haven't changed at all.
But you earn more money!
Unfortunately not that much more. To tell you the truth: I would like some more! (laughs)
Källa: robert-pattinson.co.uk
The twilight parody
Denna video är så bra! Har väntat i evigheter och nu är den klar!
Den 1 boken...
En kort sammanfattning av böckerna för er som inte läst dom än.
Det som utgör hela fenomenet Twilight är storyn som är en helt otrolig kärlekshistoria, en förbjuden sådan. Det är lite som att läsa en kär tonårings dagbok, den är lättläst, humoristisk och handlar om den första (och enda) starka kärleken till en som man egentligen inte borde vara kär i.
Kort sagt handlar det som Isabella Swan som pga att sin mamma gift om sig, flyttar till sin pappa Charlie som bor i den lilla regniga staden Forks i delstaten Washington. Bella avskyr egentligen både regn och kyla men hon ville inte vara ivägen för sin mamma och hennes nya man.
I Forks träffar Bella Edward Cullen, en blek, vacker, oemotståndlig och mystisk kille som tillsammans med sina adopterade syskon är lite av utbölingar i den lilla staden. Bella upptäcker ganska snart att något inte står rätt till med familjen Cullen och att de bär på en stor hemlighet. Edward är, liksom sina "syskon" en vampyr och han dras inte till Bella av bara en orsak, utan samtidigt som han älskar henne djupt så törstar han också efter hennes blod. De inleder ett förhållande som hela tiden balanserar på gränsen till det omöjliga.
Ja jag måste ju erkänna att jag är Twilight-galen som bara den, jag verkligen - älskar - den här historien och när jag läst ut Twilight så tog det inte många minuter innan jag var på väg upp på stan för att köpa resten av serien. Omöjliga kärlekshistorier med snygga och perfekta karaktärer är något som jag alltid faller för.
Fenomenet Edward Cullen är numera en synonym för Mr. Right, för vem vill inte ha en egen räddande ängel som kan läsa tankar (alla utom dina!), som glittrar i solen, alltid finns där för dig, som älskar dig, som kan allt, är rik... Ge mig en Edward säger jag bara! NU!
Twilight får en 5av 5 i betyg.
Läs även fortsättningsböckerna:
New Moon / När jag hör din röst
Eclipse / Ljudet av ditt hjärta
Breaking Dawn / Så länge vi båda andas
Den finns även på film nu och den har blivit en stor succe! Love ya twilight...3
Oscargalan & catherine's book?
Enligt en sida, på EW.com så har de skrivit och dragit utdrag med bilder från catherine hardwickes bok: ""Twilight: The Directors Notebookt" som beräknas att komma ut den 17:e mars. Se dem här.
Det är också bra för oss i sverige-fansen, för vi kommer nämnligen att kunna beställa boken även här! På adlibris kommer den att kosta 160 kr, vilket är billigt. Vi får hoppas på att man borde kunna beställa den strax någon gång efter den 17:e mars. Det finns ännu fler bilder i tidningen entertinment weekly(20 feb). Det kan ta ett tag innan man kan beställa den här i Sverige.
Ni kan också kika in på Everglow som har laddat upp dem i sitt bildgalleri.
10 i topp!
Här kommer en lista, men jag tycker nog att dom borde byta platser lite grann..
The Top 10 Sexiest Screen Couples:
1. Ryan Gosling & Rachel McAdams (THE NOTEBOOK): 14%
2. Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie (MR. & MRS. SMITH): 10%
3. Richard Gere & Julia Roberts (PRETTY WOMAN): 9%
4. Patrick Swayze & Jennifer Grey (DIRTY DANCING): 6%
5. Leonardo DiCaprio & Kate Winslet (TITANIC): 5%
6. Patrick Swayze & Demi Moore (GHOST): 4%
7. Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart (TWILIGHT): 4%
8. Heath Ledger & Jake Gyllenhaal (BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN): 3%
9. Brad Pitt & Geena Davis (THELMA & LOUISE): 3%
10. Johnny Depp & Juliette Binoche (CHOCOLAT): 2%