-Skulle du vilja vara vänn med henne?
- skulle du vilja umgås med henne?
-vem gillar du mest? bella eller kristen?

För några timmar sedan hittade jag på en sida dessa bilder på Kristen. Dom är jätte små men man ser mycket av dem och de är grymt vackra. Bilderna finns tyvär bara i denna storleken, men man nöjer sig right?
Bilderna hittade jag på
Kristen stewart-it's very hard!
Friday December 26th, 2008 at 12:17 pm by Lucy
Twilight star Kristen Stewart has said she's finding it hard to be suddenly famous.
The 18 year old was catapulted into the public eye when she was cast as the lead human in the cult teen vampire love story and after its release in the US last month, has found herself with a paparazzi following.
She explained recently: "I'm really not good at [being famous]. Some people are great at it. It's like the other side of the job. I can't believe I have to do it.
"It makes it easier because I'm really proud of the movie and I'm a fan of the book as well."
She added that it's worse for co-star Robert Pattinson: "It's weird to see people mainly my age flipping out over Rob walking into the room. He shifts in his seat and they all just go crazy. It's a little daunting."

Photoshoot med kristen!

Dessa bilder är från ett photoshott som togs av nylon 2007Se fler bilder här.

om ni vill se dom nya photoshooten med just henne från Nylon-så se fler här!
Jag tycker att hon är söt på båda, men föredrar det brun/röda håret! go kristen!
Vad tycker ni?
Det är synd om henne:S
"It took a long time for me to admit that I was too bogged down by the first book, to admit to these girls that I wasn't as... I'm just as obsessed as they are; I read it from an entirely different perspective and had to live it for three months.
"Yeah, I have thought, many times. "What could I do?" It'd be so easy."
Faktiskt så tycker jag att det är synd om henne.. Hon får ju inte leva ett nromalt liv med oss fans hängande framför och bakom henne, men man blir också upprörd...

Kristen stewart...

1. Her middle name is Jaymes
2. She was born April 9, 1990
3. She is 5'6"
4. She has an older brother named Cameron
5. Her mother is Australian
6. She has a cat (Jella) and 3 dogs (Oz, Jack, Lily)
7. She is best friends with Nikki Reed
8. Has been in a relationship with Michael Angarano for 2 years
9. Her parents are both in the production industry
10. Her father, John Stewart, is currently co-producing "On-Air With Ryan Seacrest"
11. She loves to surf
12. She has lived her whole life in LA; she was even born there
13. Her and Cameron still live with their parents
14. She had starred in 18 films before she turned 18