Scener som borde bli perfekta!

1. The Birthday Scene - In this scene, not only should we get a glimpse of the elated joy that the unbelievable experience of getting to know and be loved by the fantastic Edward Cullen and the Cullen family in general, but we should also see a very hungry, animated Jasper Cullen. When Bella gets her tiny papercut, we should see Jasper, a character who didn't get much screentime in Twilight, deliver.
2. The Breakup - Yes, yes, as much as we all hated it in the book, it's gotta happen. And I want to see tears, Kristen! Tears!
3. The Woods - When Sam Uley finds Bella all wrecked in the woods, we need to see some trauma. When the book says comatose, that's what it means and I hope the director gives Bella some time to wallow before she scoots off to Jacob Black.
Svar: Jag lägger gärna till dig på bloglovin! :)
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Intressant blogg! Älskar twilight :)
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okej, jag börjar prenumer på din blogg :)
jag följer redan din blogg:) följ gärna min också!
kolla in vår blogg o du gillar twilight