Kristen stewart...

1. Her middle name is Jaymes
2. She was born April 9, 1990
3. She is 5'6"
4. She has an older brother named Cameron
5. Her mother is Australian
6. She has a cat (Jella) and 3 dogs (Oz, Jack, Lily)
7. She is best friends with Nikki Reed
8. Has been in a relationship with Michael Angarano for 2 years
9. Her parents are both in the production industry
10. Her father, John Stewart, is currently co-producing "On-Air With Ryan Seacrest"
11. She loves to surf
12. She has lived her whole life in LA; she was even born there
13. Her and Cameron still live with their parents
14. She had starred in 18 films before she turned 18
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